freshwater ornamental fish farming could provide livelihood for many people who menekuninya. In addition to people like the beauty of ornamental fish, many people who depend their lives on the cultivation and marketing of ornamental fish species varies. Not infrequently some farmers previously for the consumption of cultured fish such as catfish, tilapia, etc. guramih switch to his cultivation of ornamental fish. All was done because the economic potential of ornamental fish cultivation is more profitable than fish consumption. With maintenance and eating patterns almost identical to the consumption of fish, ornamental fish can generate greater revenue because the price of ornamental fish is more expensive. The key is really happy and ornamental fish culture in treatment.
When compared with the consumption of fish farming pemeliharaanya almost the same while the sales problems are usually rewarded with kiloan system of fish consumption, assessed by a system of ornamental fish tail, so that consumption of fish cultivation is more emphasis on quantity, so it takes a wider area and more facilities. The results emphasize the quality of ornamental fish so it can be done in a narrow area and can be done as a sideline. If you do not have a large pond, ornamental fish farming can be done in the aquarium or cement tanks are small enough. If the land available is small enough, we must be more selective in the maintenance of ornamental fish. ornamental fish that are kept fairly good quality while the quality is less good because it must soon take place diafkir.
There are various types of economic Valuable Ornamental Fish is high among other koi fish, manfish, Chef, Niasa, Redfin, Lemon, Comet, Sumatra Barb, Black Ghost, Alligators, Maya and other types of ornamental fish. ornamental fish, ornamental fish are usually looking for a hobby farmer and farmed fish.
Ornamental Fish One animal models: Koi
One reason why the cultivation of ornamental fish is selected in addition to having a high sales value, the process of spawning and seed treatments do not require substantial capital and operating hatchery / cultivated ornamental fish is still in certain areas that still have huge potential. Because like sometimes ornamental fish enthusiasts willing to spend money on millions of rupiah to have his dream of ornamental fish. This is what sometimes makes the price of ornamental fish jumped. Besides the beauty of ornamental fish are also favorites of factors that contribute to determine the price. In general, ornamental fish, which has the shape, color, beautiful skin would be worth quite expensive. Herein lies the key to the success of ornamental fish culture, producing a beautiful fish and good quality.
The existence of ornamental fish itself is no longer as mere entertainment or a hobby but has grown to become the object of which is used for educational purposes, research, medical and nature conservation purposes. Until now the freshwater ornamental fish is one type of non-oil exports of fishery commodities which can contribute substantial foreign exchange. With abundant wealth of ornamental fish, the better chance Indonesia as a leading exporter of this commodity is very wide open.
ornamental fish farm is one of the businesses that provide alternative sources of income to increase farmers' income / ornamental fish. Ornamental fish farming developed prospects. This is due in ornamental fish culture has the following advantages:
1. This technology is easily absorbed and applied, because the technology used
simple enough
2. ornamental fish culture can be cultivated scale household / small business, do not need large area
3. Rapid capital turnover, can be harvested within a short time frame.
4. ornamental fish can absorb labor.
5. A promising market both domestic and export markets.
Fish manfish
Fish manfish, Source Science & Technology Preview NET
Profile of Some Ornamental Fish Farmers
One example of ornamental fish breeders that are successful breeders of ornamental fish in Bekasi, now began to receive orders from abroad such as Japan and England, while fish is a popular ornamental fish freshwater tetra, botiya and zebra. An ornamental fish breeders, in Rawa Lumbu, Bekasi, Miskun, said the demand for ornamental fish started to come from overseas buyers and recently he has sent as many as 10 boxes of fish to the ornamental fish emasaran Jepang.P for an early exit from the country's interest fishermen from outside the country with the beauty of cultured fish in Bekasi and relatively cheap. cultivation of ornamental fish has been able to improve the local economy and even Bekasi became known as a supplier of high quality ornamental fish.
Another example is the Farmers Group Mina Makmur was founded by the Ministry of Fisheries Dati I Tulungagung District, which consists of ornamental fish farmers and the like in the Village Bendiljati Wetan.Pemilik hatcheries and aquaculture operations in early efforts to establish two plots utilize the existing pool, the beneficial owner of capital added to make the pond behind and in front of his house, now has 40 plots around the house and the other 45 plots the location of a swimming pool with all the land area of three hectares. Development of ornamental fish culture increasingly consider these efforts will serve as the principal livelihood in improving family welfare.
Another success story Sangkuriang Koi Breeder Farmers Group, Farmers Group, with a secretariat at Jln. Sangkuriang No. 1 RT 7 RW 5 Kel. Cipageran, Kec. North Cimahi, Cimahi. Farmers' group is a collection of ornamental Koi Fish Farmers have a background concern of its founders saw koi fish farmers in West Java which is less advanced. While winning the famous Koi Blitar in Indonesia today, the seeds came from West Java. After passing through a long process now Sangkuriang a rating of two-Koi Breeder Koi fish in the international competition in Tangerang in February 2009. This championship is an international competition that occurs in Koi implemented in Indonesia.
According to Ule, Founder Group Koi Farm Koi Breeder Sangkuriang fish farming has a favorable market prospect for many and unlimited. In addition, koi fish sales are relatively stable when compared with fish louhan boom just a moment. Similarly, her treatment is also relatively cheap compared Arowana fish. Each month the group managed Ule farmers can generate profits of at least USD 15 million
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